Debut Strategy Masterclass! 

Join Megan for a unique goalsetting experience! In this workshop, students will learn how Megan plans a Debut Strategy for teams new to competing or teams coming back to competition after an injury, illness, or retrain. 
In this session, Megan will guide students through planning for their dog's debut based on their goals, available trials, and the individual dogs' needs. 
A proper debut strategy will break down the competition environment and the surrounding factors (location, surface, equipment, number of days/runs, etc) into small bits that your dog can easily notice and dismiss. 
Introducing competition in this way builds confidence in both team members because the performance remains consistent from training to trialing. 

March 26th, 2pm PT 


Live Presentation 

Learn what a debut strategy is, how to plan for your team, and build confidence around the skills that you bring to each trial. 


Work in Real Time 

Throughout the presentation, you will be given action steps to take and time to work on them, and time to discuss your work with Megan and the group and receive feedback on your plans. 


Watch Anytime! 

The recording of the workshop will be available to you to access in your library to watch (and re-watch) over and over again. 

Q&A Sessions

There will be an abundant amount of time to ask questions, get feedback and advice, and discuss your plans with Megan and the entire group. 

Before & After Materials 

Participants will have access to a variety of handouts to work through during the workshop and any additional materials that Megan feels are relevant to the group. 

Ready to ignite your passion for planning? 

Active participant spots are limited to 15. Recording-only participants are unlimited.  

Sign Up Now